Came across this inspirational video by Angela Lee Duckworth all about GRIT, and the importance of GRIT for a successful life.
Being a #solopreneur, #smallbusinessowner, #virtualassistant, and #soletrader, makes some days challenging. There are days that you question your own abilities and what you have to offer your clients. When those days creep up, I like to watch inspirational videos and read quotes, to pep myself up.
This GRIT video showed me that I don't necessarily have to know everything right now. GRIT is more than just knowing you can do it, more importantly, having the strength of character, and to have the courage to do what you want to do. It isn't easy but making a decision to be courageous is a start.
I want you to watch this video, hoping that it will provide inspiration for whatever you are experiencing in your life today.
Shoot me a comment and tell me your own story of being courageous, it just might inspire others.
